Story Cube Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
StoryCube is complete.
Beginning: Student completed three or less questions on the Story Cube citing at least two examples per question using inferences from text.
Developing: Student completed at least 4 questions on the Story Cube citing at least two examples per question using inferences from text.
Accomplished: Student completed at least 5 questions on the Story Cube citing at least two examples per question using inferences from text.
Mastery: Student completed all 6 questions on the Story Cube citing at least two examples per question using inferences from text.
Information is accurate.
Beginning: Student completed three or less questions on the Story Cube with accurate information from text.
Developing: Student completed at least 4 questions on the Story Cube with accurate information from text.
Accomplished: Student completed at least 5 questions on the Story Cube with accurate information from text.
Mastery: Student completed all six questions on the Story Cube with accurate information from text.
Information was presented orally.
Beginning: Did not hear speaker, did not make eye contact, read off the paper, poor presentation
Developing: Hesitant when speaking, made little eye contact, read some off the paper, presentation needs work
Accomplished: Spoke clearly, made eye contact most of the time, did not read off paper most of the time, decent presentation
Mastery: Spoke loud and clear, made eye contact all the time, did not read off paper, presented well
Student used complete sentences in which grammar and spelling are correct.
Beginning: Student did not use complete sentences and had many grammar and spelling mistakes.
Developing: Student used some complete sentences with some grammar and spelling mistakes.
Accomplished: Student used complete sentences with little grammar or spelling errors.
Mastery: Student used complete sentences in which grammar and spelling are correct.

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