Student Book Review
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Writing is disorganized, making it difficult for the reader to understand the main idea. Purpose of writing is frequently unclear. One or more organizational elements may be missing.
Some organizational elements of the writing are not logically sequenced or effective. Central idea or theme may be unclear in some places.
Organization is logical and effective. Strong opening that clearly indicates purpose and a satisfying conclusion. Clearly showcases a central idea or theme
Highly meaningful, logical and effective organization of writing. Strong opening that clearly indicates purpose and a satisfying conclusion. Main idea and theme are effectively showcased throughout writing.
Ideas are unclear. Few supporting details examples or explanations. Details, examples or explanations may be inaccurate or ineffective.
Main idea is presented but may be unclear in some places. May have few details, explanations or examples, some of which may not be effective or focused.
Clearly developed Ideas using some effective supporting details, examples and explanations
Clearly developed ideas using focused, effective and useful supporting details, examples explanation and insight
Sentence Fluency
Ideas are unclear. Few supporting details examples or explanations. Details, examples or explanations may be inaccurate or ineffective
Main idea is presented but may be unclear in some places. May have few details, explanations or examples, some of which may not be effective or focused
Clearly developed Ideas using some effective supporting details, examples and explanations
Clearly developed ideas using focused, effective and useful supporting details, examples explanation and insight
Sentence Fluency
Little or no variety in sentence patterns or sentence length. Writing feels repetitious and has a monotone quality
Some variety in sentence patterns and length. Some sentences may not be well constructed
Effective use of clear, well-constructed sentences that demonstrate a variety of lengths/patterns through much of the writing
Effective use of clear, well-constructed sentences that demonstrate a variety of lengths/patterns throughout, with a fluid writing style

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