The Letter
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Overall Presentation
A terrible presentation. No materials or information are presented. No elements of the project are presented.
There is a presentation. Some materials and information are presented. Few elements of the project are presented.
Fairly professional presentation. Most materials and information are presented. Most elements of the project are in the presentation.
Professional presentation. All materials and information are presented. Have all elements of the project are in the presentation.
Five or fewer chapters are completed. There are several grammatical errors. Not printed.
Six to nine chapters are completed. There are quite a few grammatical errors. Not printed.
The required ten chapters are completed. There are very few grammatical errors. Half way printed.
Over ten chapters are completed. There are no grammatical errors. Printed on copy paper.
Book Cover
Simple. Doesn't incorporate the story. Unable to read the title.
Almost no details. Somewhat incorporates the story. Not easy to read the title.
Has details. Incorporates the story. A little hard to read the title.
Very intricate. Excellently incorporates the story. Easily read title.
Poster Advertisement
Too many words. A few pictures to tell the plot. Not readable from at least five feet away.
Multiple words. Few detailed pictures to tell the plot. Barely readable from ten feet away.
Several words. Some detailed pictures to tell the plot. Easily read from at least ten feet away.
Few words. Multiple detailed pictures to tell the plot. Easily read from at least fifteen feet away.
Daily Journal
Progress from a few days of work. Date is occasionally written at the beginning of reports. Progress is lagging behind.
Progress from some days of work. Date is sometimes written at the beginning of reports. Progress is a little behind.
Progress from most days of work. Date is written at the beginning of every report. Progress matches time frame.
Progress from each day of work. Date is written at the beginning of every report. Progress matches time frame or better.

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