Thematic Ideas and Thematic Statements
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Thematic Statement
The thematic statement does not convey a central message about life or human nature.
The thematic statement partially conveys a central message about life or human nature.
The thematic statement conveys a central message about life or human nature.
The thematic statement clearly conveys a central message about life or human nature.
Thematic Statement Components
The thematic statement does not include a thematic idea, assertion, or qualifying clause.
The thematic statement includes at least one of the three components (thematic idea, assertion, and qualifying clause). Thematic statement does not follow correct syntax.
The thematic statement includes two of the three components (thematic idea, assertion, and qualifying clause) using correct syntax.
The thematic statement includes the thematic idea, assertion, and qualifying clause using correct syntax.
Textual Evidence
The essay includes no accurate or relevant supporting details from either text.
The essay includes some facts and details from at least one of the two texts.
The essay includes relevant facts and details from both texts, but may not support all aspects of the thematic statement.
The essay includes rich facts and details that support all aspects of the thematic statement.
Concluding Statement
Concluding statement is nonexistent.
Concluding statement is a basic restatement of the thematic idea.
Concluding statement includes a reflection on how the thematic idea relates to one passage.
Concluding statement includes a thoughtful reflection on how the thematic idea relates to both passages.
The essay lacks focus and organization.
The essay is poorly organized, and only partially follows the supplied outline for organization.
The essay is a well- developed and generally follows the supplied outline for organization.
The essay is well-developed and consistently follows the supplied outline for organization.

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