Understanding Main Idea & Supporting Details
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Student can independently read grade level text & identify the main idea.
Student required the grade level text to be read aloud & he/she also required instructional supports in order to identify the main idea of the passage.
The student required supports throughout the reading of the grade level text in order to identify the main idea of the text.
The student can read the grade level text with minimal support & can identify the main idea of the read text.
Student can independently read grade level text & identify the main idea.
Student can independently read grade level text & identify 4-6 supporting details.
Student required the grade level text to be read aloud & he/she also required instructional supports in order to identify 2-3 supporting details found within the text.
The student required supports throughout the reading of the grade level text in order to identify 2-3 supporting details found within the text.
Student can read the grade level text with minimal support & can identify 2-4 supporting details found within the read text.
Student can independently read grade level text & identify 4-6 supporting details.
After reading a passage, the student can answer a variety of comprehension questions related to the main idea & supporting details.
After reading a passage, the student can answer a variety of comprehension questions related to the main idea & supporting details with 0% -69% accuracy.
After reading a passage, the student can answer a variety of comprehension questions related to the main idea & supporting details with 70% accuracy.
After reading a passage, the student can answer a variety of comprehension questions related to the main idea & supporting details with 80% accuracy.
After reading a passage, the student can answer a variety of comprehension questions related to the main idea & supporting details with 90% or above accuracy.
After reading a grade level passage, the student can compose a summary of the text in paragraph form; which identifies the main idea & 4-6 supporting details.
After reading a grade level passage, the student required instructional intervention in order to compose a paragraph that contained the main idea and 2-3 supporting details.
After reading a grade level passage, the student can compose a summary of the text in paragraph form; which identifies the main idea & 2-3 supporting details with minimal instructional supports.
After reading a grade level passage, the student can compose a summary of the text in paragraph form; which identifies the main idea & 4-6 supporting details with minimal instructional supports.
After reading a grade level passage, the student can compose a summary of the text in paragraph form; which identifies the main idea & 4-6 supporting details.

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