AP Literature 3D Project
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
The symbolic transformation project entertains both the class and the teacher.
The class and the teacher would rather eat what Hamlet eats AND have your performance end.
The class and the teacher would rather eat what The Bennet sisters eat and wait somewhat anxiously for your performance end.
The class and the teacher would rather eat what Winston eats than have your performance end.
The class and the teacher would rather eat glass than have your performance end.
The symbolic transformation demonstrates your intelligent and insightful understanding of some key aspect of something we have studied this term and represent that understanding in a way that informs us.
After your project your class and teacher don't have enough knowledge to save our own heads nor the heads of any green giants.
After your project your class and teacher might have enough knowledge get halfway to Pamplona.
After your project your class and teacher have enough knowledge to fill The Red Wheelbarrow.
After your project your class and teacher are so well informed that they could become the oracle at Delphi.
The symbolic transformation runs approximately five minutes.
Your effort defined unintentional understatement - and not in a good way.
A million hyperbolic statements don't begin to describe how engaging ever carefully plotted second contributed to the epiphany of delight.
All members of the group have a visibly (or audibly) active role in the symbolic transformation.
Only the introduction of Mr. Collins into your troupe would have made your dysfunction more obvious.
Your group's collaboration wasn't Camelot but it wasn't Oceania either.
It was a moveable feast -- the party was fun and raucous and real.
The spheres themselves could not have harmonized better.

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