Bringing Down the House Extra Credit
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Sequence of information is difficult to follow.
Reader has difficulty following work because student jumps around.
Student presents information in logical sequence which reader can follow.
Information in logical, interesting sequence which reader can follow
Content Knowledge
Student does not have grasp of information; student cannot summarize.
Student is uncomfortable with content and is only able to demonstrate basic concepts from the book.
Student is at ease with content, but fails to elaborate on the content.
Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required).
Presentation has four or more errors in writing.
Presentation has three errors in writing.
Presentation has no more than two errors.
Presentation has no mechanical errors.
Math Application
No or little connection from the book to the math concepts learned with no detail/examples.
Has some connection from the book to the math concepts but no detail/examples.
Has decent connection from the book to the math concepts and has detail/support from text.
Goes above and beyond with connection the book to the math concepts learned in class with good examples/details from the text as well as outside examples.
Format and Requirements
Does not meet all the requirements of the projects--missing 3 or more requirements and lacks effort.
Meets some of the requirements of the project but missing some and does not show quality work.
Meets most of the requirements and shows some effort in the work.
Meets all requirements and shows great effort in the work presented.

Teacher Comments:


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