Catching Fire Project
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Appearance of Project
Title is readable, Intent of project is completely lacking, background is distracting & unappealing, no sounds and music present, transitions are not present, the overall appearance does not connect with the novel Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Title is easy to read, Intent of project is confusing, background is distracting but is workable if reader concentrates, sounds and music difficult to understand and too loud, transitions are present sometimes but not regular, the overall appearance somewhat connects with the novel Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Title is easy to read, Intent of project is clear, background is distracting, sounds and music are distracting, transitions are present not distracting, the overall appearance connects with the novel Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Title is easy to read, Intent of project is clear, background is not distracting, sounds and music are easy to hear, transitions are not distracting and boring, the overall appearance connects with the novel Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Clearly little time was spent in preparing project for class teaching. There was little information to share and did not seem to be in any type order. Very haphazard. None of the main points of the novel is pointed out nor explained. There were no details nor relevant examples from the novel. None of the presentation went smoothly and it's apparent student did not practiced teaching to plan ahead how much time will be used to present. Student only used 1-4 minutes to present.
Clearly some time was spent in preparing project for class teaching. There was some information to share but did not seem to be in any type of order. Some of the main points of the novel is pointed out with some explanation with details, using minimal amount of relevant examples from the novel. Some aspects went smoothly and it's apparent student practiced very little teaching in order to be at least ten minutes, no less. Student only used 5-8 minutes to present.
Clearly time was spent in preparing project for class teaching. There was information to share and in some type of order. Most of the main points of the novel is pointed out and explained, but not clearly nor detailed, there were only a few relevant examples from the novel. Most aspects went smoothly and it's apparent student had practiced teaching in order to be at least ten minutes, no less. Student used 8-10 minutes to present.
Clearly much time was spent in preparing project for class teaching. There was much information to share and in some type of order. Most of the main points of the novel is clearly pointed out and explained in detail, using relevant examples from the novel. All aspects went smoothly and it's apparent student practiced teaching in order to be over ten minutes.
Resources or Work Cited
Only 1 type of resource was used to compile information. Sources were not added to a work cited page.
A few different resources were used to compile information. At least 2 sources were from the Internet, 1 source from a book, 1 source from a magazine or newspaper article Most of the sources were added to a work cited page in no particular format.
Several different resources were used to compile information. At least 3 sources were from the Internet, 1 source from a book, 1 source from a magazine or newspaper article Most of the sources were added work cited page in MLA format.
Many different resources were used to compile information. At least 4 sources were from the Internet, 1 source from a book, 1 source from a magazine or newspaper article All sources were added to a clear and organized work cited page in MLA format.
Content of Project
It is unclear what the presenter of the project wanted the audience to know or learn. The entire point of the project was confusing and left the audience wondering what was the point. There were no examples or evidence from the novel. Both the presenter and audience clearly were confused by the outcome of this project.
It is unclear what the presenter of the project wanted the audience to know or learn from this project. The presentation was entertaining, but no real point was made. Attempts were made to include some examples or evidence from the novel. Both the presenter and audience learned very little from this project.
It is somewhat clear what the presenter of the project wanted the audience to know or learn from this project. There were few examples or evidence which came from the novel. Both the presenter and audience had learned something from this project.
It is clear what the presenter of the project wanted the audience to know or learn from this project. Many examples or evidence came from the novel. Both the presenter and audience clearly learned something from this project.

Teacher Comments:


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