Children's Book
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Designs an appropriate cover for children's book.
Includes title. Does not include author. Misspelled words and grammatical errors.
Includes title and author. Misspelled words.
Includes title and author. Free of errors and misspelled words.
Includes title, author. Free of grammatical error and misspelled words. Adds illustration to cover.
Title Page
Includes title. Author missing. In the wrong location. Several errors.
Title page includes title and author. In appropriate location. Few errors.
Title page is legible and includes title and author. Error free. In appropriate location.
Title page is legible. Includes title and author. Includes illustration. Error free. In appropriate location.
Vocabulary Words
Used five or less vocabulary words. Used vocabulary words incorrectly.
Used only ten vocabulary words correctly in a sentence.
Used all twenty vocabulary words correctly in a sentence. Error free.
Included all twenty vocabulary words and used them correctly in a sentence. Used at least 3 of them more than once. Error free.
Includes illustrations on less than half the pages
Includes illustrations on at least half the pages.
Includes illustrations on every page. Illustrations are appropriate for the text on each page.
Includes illustrations on every page. Illustrations are appropriate for the text on each page. Illustrations were in color.
All pages are not secure.
Lose binding.
Strudy binding. All pages are secure.
Strudy binding all pages are secure. A hard cover was used.

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