Fairy Tale Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Identify the three parts of the story
Student is not able to identify the three parts of the story.
Student is able to identify one of the three parts of the story.
Student is able to identify two of the three parts of the story.
Student is able to identify all three parts of the story.
Identifies characters
Student cannot identify the characters.
Student identifies some characters.
Student identifies most characters.
Student identifies all important characters of the story.
Correctly writes Title and Author
Student does not write title or author.
Student writes title, but not author.
Student write title and author but with mistakes
Student is able to correctly write both the title and author.
Conventions/Sentence Structure
Student does not write in complete sentences. More than 5 spelling or punctuation errors.
Student sentences do not make sense. 3 or four punctuation and spelling mistakes.
Student writes in complete sentences. 1 or two punctuation and spelling mistakes.
Student writes in complete sentences. No spelling or punctuation mistakes.
Overall Look
Sloppy cutting and rushed handwriting. Illegible.
Work has three or four areas that are sloppy.
Work has one or two areas that are sloppy.
Student did personal best. They took their time with neat handwriting and cutting.
Fairy Tale Elements (X2) *Begins with "Once upon a time" *Someone is rescued *Includes magic *Ends happily
Story is missing more than one component of a fairy tale.
Story is missing one one component of fairy tales.
Story has all components of a fairy tale, but magic is not detailed.
Story has all components of a fairy tale, and magic is detailed throughout the story.
Story Organization (X2)
Story is difficult to follow.
Story jumps around in spots.
Story is easy to follow, but not very detailed.
Story is interesting, detailed, and easy to follow.
Punctuation, capitalization, spelling
There are 7 or more errors in punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
There are 5 or 6 errors in punctuation, capitalization, and/or spelling.
There are 2 to 4 errors in punctuation, capitalization, and/or spelling.
Punctuation, capitalization, and spelling are correct.
Writing is not legible.
Writing readable, but takes effort.
Very readable, but slightly sloppy.
All of the writing is legible.

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