Flowers For Algernon - Sequel
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Story does not relate to the original plot in any way.
Story has a few elements from the novel, but has become a completely different topic.
Story makes references to the original and the new story goes in an unusual or different direction.
Story makes numerous references to the original and the new story goes hand in hand with the original - truly feels like a sequel.
Grammar and Spelling
Major spelling errors, grammar is poor and makes comprehension nearly impossible.
Some spelling errors, writing is sloppy and comprehension is difficult, but possible.
A few spelling errors and/or grammar issues, but does not distract from overall comprehension.
No spelling issues and only one or two grammar issues - none of which takes away from the overall quality of the cards.
Story lacks depth and is only 1 to 2 paragraphs in length.
Story has some depth and is one page in length.
Story has depth and is 2 pages in length.
Story has complete depth and is over 2 pages in length.
Creativity and Structure
Story lacks any creativity and lacks story elements like plot, conflict, rising action, and resolution.
Story has flashes of creativity, but not enough to sustain the project. There are a few plot elements.
Story is creative with most elements of the plot.
Story is very creative and has every plot element.

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