Frank Big Bear Self Portrait
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Design and Composition
The student does not appear to be able to apply most design principles to his/her own work.
Student tries to apply design principles (such as unity, contrast, balance, movement, direction, emphasis, and center of interest) but the overall result is not pleasing.
Student applies design principles (such as unity, contrast, balance, movement, direction, emphasis, and center of interest) with fair skill.
Student applies design principles (such as unity, contrast, balance, movement, direction, emphasis, and center of interest) with great skill.
Capturing a style
The student does not appear to be able to apply most design principles to his/her own work.
Student tries to apply design principles (such as unity, contrast, balance, movement, direction, emphasis, and center of interest) but the overall result is not pleasing.
Student applies design principles (such as unity, contrast, balance, movement, direction, emphasis, and center of interest) with fair skill.
Student applies design principles (such as unity, contrast, balance, movement, direction, emphasis, and center of interest) with great skill.
Capturing the Style of An Artist
No attempt has been made to apply paint in a manner that is consistent with the technique or artist being studied.
An attempt has been made to apply paint in a manner that is consistent with the technique or artist being studied, but it is not effective.
Paint is applied in a manner that is reasonably consistent with the technique or artist being studied.
Paint is applied in a manner very consistent with the technique or artist being studied
The drawing lacks almost all detail OR it is unclear what the drawing is intended to be. Student needs to work on control.
Drawing has few details. It is primarily representational with very little use of pattern, shading or texture. Student needs to improve control.
Drawing is expressive and somewhat detailed. Little use has been made of pattern, shading, or texture. Student has basics, but had not "branched" out.
Drawing is expressive and detailed. Shapes, patterns, shading and/or texture are used to add interest to the painting. Student has great control and is able to experiment a little.
Time and Effort
Class time was not used wisely and the student put in no additional effort.
Class time was not always used wisely, but student did do some additional work at home.
Class time was used wisely. Student could have put in more time and effort at home.
Class time was used wisely. Much time and effort went into the planning and design of the mask. It is clear the student worked at home as well as at school.

Teacher Comments:


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