Gatsby Party
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Appropriateness of choices for the party (1920's themed entertainment, food, guests, decorations, etc.)
Choices are out of context of the 1920's
Some choices are appropriate for the 1920's; some clearly deviate
All choices are appropriate for the 1920's but lack originality
All choices are appropriate to the 1920's, and care was taken in connecting the choices to the novel and in demonstrating overall understanding of the 1920's; originality evident
Explanation of party choices
Explanation demonstrates minimal knowledge of 1920's
Explanation demonstrates some knowledge of the 1920's
Explanation demonstrates adequate knowledge of the 1920's
Explanation demonstrates through knowledge of the 1920's and how it applies to the novel
Group collaboration
Members completed tasks independently; little evidence of collaboration
Members completed tasks independently with some assistance from group members
Members work collaboratively on most aspects of the party
Members work collaboratively on all aspects of the party
Adherence to required elements of group role
Group completes some of the required elements of the party
Group completes most of the required elements of the party; final product complete
Group completes all of the required elements of the party; final product demonstrates an adequate knowledge of requirements and overall understanding
Group completes and efficiently integrates all required elements of the party in the spirit of the 1920's
Final product and party execution
The final product was weak; overall product and execution lacked originality, neatness, and effort
The final product was adequate; overall product and execution lacked originality, neatness, but effort was present
The final product was adequate; overall product and execution possessed some degree of originality, neatness, and effort with some understanding of the 1920's
The final product was exemplary; overall product and execution possessed originality, neatness, and effort and clear understanding of the 1920's

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