Hamlet Related to Shakespeare
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Ideas and Content
The ideas are clear. Content is all included. Presentation included a summary of Hamlet, character list, similarities and differences slide, 3-5 pictures. Well put together.
The ideas are some what clear. Content is mostly included. Some of the required content. 2-3 pictures. Somewhat well put together.
The ideas are some what confusing. Content is partially included. Some of the required content. 1-2 pictures. Somewhat lacking in togetherness.
The ideas are confusing. Content is lacking. Very little of the required content. 0-2 pictures. Not well put together.
Group Participation
The group was prepared, well rehearsed, and well put together. Few silent pauses.
The group was fairly prepared, Somewhat rehearsed, and Somewhat put together. A couple of silent pauses.
The group was Not very prepared, Not very rehearsed, and Not very well put together. Several silent pauses.
The group was Not at all prepared, Not at all rehearsed, and Not put together. Too many silent pauses.
The project was neat. Appealing to the eye, and made we want to see more.
The project was Somewhat neat. A few mistakes. Somewhat appealing to the eye.
The project was a little sloppy. Not very appealing to the eye, and made me wonder "why?".
The project was a hot mess. Not at all appealing to the eye, and made we want to throw up.
Word choice is good. Spelling is correct. Few errors.
Word choice is fair. Spelling is mostly correct. A couple of errors.
Word choice is all right. Spelling is lacking. Several errors.
Word choice is bad. Spelling is incorrect. Continuous errors.
Overall Presentation
Overall good presentation.
Lacking in a few areas.
Lacking in several areas.
Lacking in most areas.

Teacher Comments:


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