Hunchback of Notre Dame Review Article
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Article included identifying information about the subject matter in the review.
Article did not include any identifying information about the subject matter of the review.
Article included some identifying information or the identifying information was not accurate.
Article included most of the identifying information and it was accurate.
Article included all of the following information: title, author name, date of performance, type of performance and place of performance.
Newspaper article described details about the performance which allowed the reader to have an understanding of the performance content.
The article did not provide any descriptive details about the nature of the performance.
The article provided some details of the performance but they did not provide the reader with a clear view of the nature of the performance.
The article provided enough details for the reader to mostly understand the nature of the performance.
The article provided many details about the performance, allowing readers to have a clear understanding of the content and nature of the performance.
Newspaper article clearly stated the student's opinion of the performance and a reasoning for those opinions.
The student did not write about his or her opinion of the performance.
The student provided an opinion but it wasn't backed up with evidence from the performance or a reasoning for the formed opinion.
Student provided a clear opinion and gave some reasoning as to the reason for his or her opinion.
Student provided a clear opinion and provided specific examples from the performance which clearly demonstrated to the reader the reasoning for his or her opinion.

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