Killing Mr. Griffin Project
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Content: Project makes appropriate references to content from "Killing Mr. Griffin" and/or includes themes or examples from chapters 11 through 20.
Project has no references to "Killing Mr. Griffin
Project has fewer than three specific examples; does not seem to reflect themes from "Killing Mr. Griffin
Project holds three to five examples; theme seems reflected but not explored.
Project has six or more direct examples from the text; themes are discussed and explored; student shows understanding of the content.
Neatness/Visual Effect: Was the project neatly presented? Does it look like a final draft?
Project is sloppy; illegible
Project is barely legible; very little effort present.
Project is satisfactory; contains a few errors; appears to be a rough draft.
Project is neat, user-friendly, and care was taken to put together a final piece.
Creativity: Is the project well thought out?
No creativity expressed.
Some thought present, but they seem to be unrelated to the material or very elementary.
Creative ideas present that could be further explored.
Creative ideas present and thoroughly explored.
Presentation: Was the student confident and clear in presentation? Did they show knowledge in their project topic?
Student did not present.
Student presented. Was not confident in delivery or it was hard to understand them from an audience perspective. Were not able to field any questions on their project.
Presentation was acceptable. Student was able to field some questions and appropriately deliver a presentation to the class.
Student was able to hold class attention excellently. Answered any and all questions relating to the project with skill and ease. Clear and confident in speech.

Teacher Comments:


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