Main Character: Personal Characteristics
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Reading for Meaning: Making Inferences/Providing Supporting Evidence
The student had much difficulty identifying personal characteristics of the main character and providing support. Steps for choosing a "Just Right" book will be reviewed and supported.
With some support, the student Is able to make inferences to identify some personal characteristics of the main character and provide an example supporting each characteristic.
With minimal support, the student is able to make inferences to identify four personal characteristics of the main character and provides an example supporting each characteristic.
The student Is able to independently make inferences to identify four personal characteristics of the main character and provides an example supporting each characteristic
Sorting, Classifying and Organizing information in a Variety of Ways
The graphic organizer was completed minimally despite teacher support.
With some support, the student Is able to use the graphic organizer to organize information about the main character's personal characteristics.
With minimal support, the student Is able to use the graphic organizer to organize information about the main character's personal characteristics.
The student Is able to independently use the graphic organizer to organize information about the main character's personal characteristics.
Applying Knowledge of Form and Style and Presenting Written Work Effectively
Despite encouragement and support, published work demonstrates limited effort to edit and revise written work in order to produce an eye-appealing, polished good copy.
The graphic organizer shows some evidence of proofreading, editing, and revision, however greater effort to improve spelling/grammar/neatness is encouraged.
The graphic organizer was proofread, edited, and revised and published work is visually-appealing with minimal (3-4) spelling/grammar errors.
The graphic organizer was proofread, edited, and revised and published work is visually-appealing with very few or no spelling/grammar errors.

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