Modern Greek Literature
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Students will read and analyze selected literary works of Modern Greek literature.
Narrate storyline of prose piece/ present the topic of the poem.
Speak about the key theme and the main character in the piece of literature. Recognize narrative styles and basic figures of speech in the text.
Analyze main and secondary characters with reference to the plot. Analyze the narrative style in rapport with the themes of the text. Analyze poetic diction in rapport with the themes of the poem.
Discover layers of meaning between the lines. Synthesize elements of previous stages into a personal evaluation of the text.
Students will display the relation between the texts and their literary background.
Place the text within the Modern Greek Literature Timeline.
Connect the text with the prevalent literary movement of its era. Present the basic traits of the movement.
Trace the traits of the literary movement within the text and illustrate how they serve the theme of the text and the depiction of characters.
Compare and contrast texts of a similar theme belonging to different literary movements.
Students will discover and use information about the authors and their works from various sources in their class discussions.
Watch the videos and keep notes and/or complete the handouts.
Ask questions about the authors based on the notes in the class discussions. Edit their notes with the results/answers.
Synthesize the data collected in this phase to evaluate a literary text in their assignments.
Engage in further readings from quality digital sources and library sources to enhance their literary appreciation of the authors.
Explain the Hellenic aspect of the texts.
Define "Hellenic".
Trace Hellenic elements in the readings (social, cultural, political, historical).
Interpret the characters and their behavior and/or the topics from the Hellenic aspect.
Present the text within the formation of the Modern Hellenic conscience and in connection with the rest of the course's texts.
Students will present in class an original piece of creative work influenced by Modern Greek Literature.
Select topic of interest from the authors/texts.
Focus the selection of data in the lesson on their interest, ask questions. Find their form of creative work (audiovisual, theatrical, musical, artistic, craft etc.)
Browse on ways to present the selected topic on their spare time. Present draft and consult with instructor. Edit and finish on time specified.
Present their piece of work in class. Consider peer evaluation and reflect on it.

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