My Food Room: Charlie and the Chocolate
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
5 Healthy Options and rationale for choosing
Very little detail about healthy options and rationale for choosing are given. Details do not support choices. Argument weak/ not included.
Some detail about healthy options and rationale for choosing are given. Details somewhat support choices. Some argument support given.
All five healthy options and rationale for choosing are given. Details mostly support choices.
All five healthy options and rationale for choosing are given with additional choices and details. Details fully support choices made. Very strong arguments given.
Diorama of Food Room in Willy Wonka's Factory
Very little and/or nothing is done on the model. Disorganized and lacking in creativity.
Model is partly completed. Somewhat organized and beginning signs of creativity accomplished.
Model directly shows information described in paragraph. Organized and visually appealing.
Model directly shows information described in paragraph, with additional detail included. Very well organized and extremely visually appealing.
Paragraph of information
Paragraph incomplete and written poorly with little to no information included. Poor grammar, syntax, spelling, and punctuation.
Paragraph somewhat complete with some information included. Some mistakes in grammar, syntax, spelling, and punctuation.
Paragraph complete with good information included. Very few to no mistakes in grammar, syntax, spelling, and punctuation. Meets minimum requirement length.
Paragraph complete with additional information included. There are no mistakes in grammar, syntax, spelling, and punctuation. Information exceeds minimum length.
Oral Presentation
Student makes little to no eye contact with the group. Explanation is poor. Weak voice. Hard to see project.
Student attempts eye contact. Explanation somewhat organized. Has mostly clear voice. Able to see project.
Student has good eye contact. Explanation organized. Has a strong voice. Easy to see the project.
Student has excellent eye contact and voice. Keeps audience's attention and has clear knowledge of their topic. Project is well displayed and explained.

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