Narrative Fiction
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Conventions of English Language
Multiple errors in grammar and/or spelling which impair meaning and readability
Multiple errors in grammar and/or spelling which do not impair meaning or readability
No more than 5 errors in spelling and/or grammar
No more than 2 minor errors in spelling and/or grammar
Produces clear development and organization
No development or organization is evident. Significant details are left out. Irrelevant details are included. Random events occur.
Some organization is evident. Some, but not all, significant details are included, although they may not be an in appropriate order. Some random or irrelevant details are included, creating confusion.
Some, but not all significant details are included. Clear organization is evident. There are a few random or insignificant details, but none is misleading.
Significant details are included at appropriate points throughout. Nothing is included that would confuse or mislead the reader.
Uses precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to convey vivid imagery.
There are no descriptive details. There is no indirect characterization.
Sensory words are used.
Words are well chosen. Sensory details are included. Images are striven for, but may not be totally clear to the reader. There is an attempt at indirect characterization.
Words are well chosen. Images of place, setting, and characters are clear. Definite indirect characterization is evident. Sensory details are included.
Establishes a clear point of view.
Point of view is not stable, and switches between characters and omniscient narration. Verb tense changes.
Omniscient narration predominates, with occasional point of view.
Story is told from a character's point of view, but lacks unique tone, voice, and word choice appropriate for characterization.
Point of view is unique to a specific character. Word choice, tone, fluency, and punctuation are clearly character specific.
Effective conclusion
Story ends without a conclusion. Conflicts are not resolved. Previous events witnessed by, or experienced by the character are not referred to.
Some conflicts are resolved. Not all of the events experience by the character are remarked upon in the conclusion. There is not clear theme or moral.
All conflicts are resolved, and a theme or moral is hinted at.
Provides a conclusion that reflects on what is experienced or observed by the character. Conclusion will relate to a specific theme or moral.

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