Of Mice and Men Unit Project
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Information is inaccurate. Project does not display knowledge of life during the Great Depression.
Information is not consistently accurate. Some knowledge of the Great Depression is displayed.
Information is accurate. Basic knowledge of life during the Great Depression is displayed.
Information is accurate. Strong level of knowledge of the Great Depression is displayed. Exceeded expectations.
Directions and requirements
Did not follow directions. Only included some of the listed requirements for the project
Did not follow directions accurately. Missing some key requirements for the project.
Followed directions. Included most of the listed requirements.
Followed directions. Included all of the listed requirements. Exceeded expectations.
Creativity and effort
Little creativity in executing assignment. Little effort shown.
Some creativity in assignment. Some effort shown.
Appropriate level of creativity is expressed in the project. Sufficient amount of effort shown.
Exceeded expectations in both creativity as well as effort.
Oral Presentation
Not well prepared. Little to no eye contact. Not engaging. Visuals are not effective and take away from the presentation.
Preparation needs improvement. Little to no eye contact. Presentation is not consistently engaging. Visuals are not effective and did not add to the presentation.
Prepared for the presentation sufficient eye contact. Presentation is engaging. Visuals are effective and add to the presentation.
Well prepared. Enthusiastic body language and 100% eye contact with audience. Visuals add to the presentation. Exceeds expectations.
Many grammar mistakes. Many spelling errors. Written portion of project is not effective and does not add to presentation.
Many grammar mistakes. Some spelling errors. Written portion of the project does not take away nor does it add to project.
Some grammar and spelling errors. Written portion of the project meets expectations.
Very few grammar and spelling errors. Written portion of the project adds to the presentation. Exceeds expectations.

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