Old Yeller Project - Book Jacket
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Book jacket shows your favorite part of the story.
Book jacket is not original, not neat, and your favorite part of the story cannot be determined by the picture.
Book jacket is not original but is neat, and your favorite part of the story cannot be determined by the picture.
Book jacket is original but not neatly done, and your favorite part of the story is neatly drawn.
Book jacket is original,neat, and your favorite part of the story is neatly drawn. Creativity is shown.
The summary of the book summarizes what went on in the book Old Yeller.
Few of the book's main points have been summarized, and major points are missing.
Some of the book's main points have been summarized, but major points are missing.
Many of the main points of the book have been summarized.
All the main points of the book have been summarized.
The summary of the book is written with correct sentence structure, grammar, and spelling.
Writing contains multiple grammar and sentence structure errors.
Writing contains some grammar and sentence structure errors.
Writing contains few grammar and sentence structure errors.
Writing contains no grammar and sentence structure errors.
An opinion of the book and a positive or negative recommendation have been given.
No clear opinion and no recommendation of the book have been given.
No clear opinion or recommendation of the book has been given.
An opinion or a recommendation has been given with no supporting details.
A clear opinion and a positive or negative recommendation have been given with supporting details.

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