Persuasion Project - Create a Product
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
The student will identify a teen problem, pose possible solutions, and record ideas for imaginary products that may solve the problem on a problem analysis sheet.
Problem analysis is incomplete on 2 of 3 sections. Shows little thought or idea-generation.
Problem analysis is incomplete on 1 of 3 sections. Shows some thought and idea-generation.
Problem analysis is complete on all 3 sections. Shows average thought and average idea generation.
Problem analysis is complete on all 3 sections. Ideas are excellent. Shows innovative thought.
The student will record and reflect on daily completed tasks in an activity log.
Activity log is incomplete on 2 or more of 7 days. Reflection is poor by lacking personal evaluation.
Activity log is incomplete on 1 of 7 days. Shows some reflection and personal evaluation.
Activity log is complete. Shows average reflection and personal evaluation. Comments contain some evidence or connection.
Activity log is complete. Shows excellent reflection and personal evaluation. Comments contain evidence and valuable connections being made.
The student will create a never-before-made product used to solve a teen problem.
The product is unoriginal. Product does not logically solve the posed problem. No creativity apparent.
The product is semi-original. Product minimally solves the problem posed. Minimal creativity.
The product is original. Product solves the problem posed. Average creativity evident.
The product is uniquely original. Product solves the problem posed. Creativity is obvious.
The student will create a poster advertisement complete with a. a product name, b. a logo, c. a slogan, d. graphics/pictures.
Poster is missing 2 of the 4 required element of the poster. Poster is poorly designed and lacks professionalism.
Poster is missing 1 of the 4 elements required. Poster is plain and lacks some professionalism.
Poster has all required elements. Poster is average in design, but professional.
Poster has all required elements. Poster is highly creative in design and demonstrates professionalism.
Using 6 traits and prior knowledge of persuasion techniques, the student will craft 4 persuasive passages that convince an audience that the product is important, that it works effectively, should be purchased by teens, and that immediate purchase is vital.
Only 2 of the 4 passages are present. Passages are unsuccessful in convincing an audience and writing is poor on most of the 6 traits.
Only 3 of the 4 passages are present. Passages contain little convincing evidence. Writing lacks substance or attention to some of the 6 traits.
All 4 passages are present. Passages are mostly convincing. Writing has substance and is attentive to most of the 6 traits.
All 4 passages are present. Passages are all convincing. Writing has excellent substance and is attentive to most of the 6 traits.

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