Pippi Longstocking
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
All 11 chapters are present on the cover. These are detailed illustrations that show the main idea of the chapter.
Less than 9 chapters are illustrated. More detail is needed
9-10 chapters are illustrated but there could be more detail in the illustrations
11 chapters are illustrated but there could be more detail in the illustrations.
All 11 chapters are present on the cover. These are detailed illustrations that show the main idea of the chapter.
All the Inferred text activities are completed. High level of understanding of words are evident and the word is used correctly in the sentences
Only a few of the Inferred Text pages are complete with a understanding of the words. The word is not always used correctly in each sentence
Only some the Inferred Text pages are complete with a understanding of the words. The word is not always used correctly in each sentence
Most of the Inferred Text pages are complete with a good understanding of the words. The word is basically used correctly in each sentence
All the Inferred text activities are completed. High level of understanding of words are evident and the word is used correctly in the sentences
Questions for each Chapter are complete and show a good understanding of the story. Illustrations for the questions are completed neatly and colored.
Questions for the Chapters are not complete Illustrations for the questions are not complete
Only some of the questions for the Chapters are complete and show a fairly good understanding of the story. Illustrations for the questions are completed and may be colored.
Questions for each Chapter are complete and show a good understanding of the story. Illustrations for the questions are completed and may be colored.
Questions for each Chapter are complete and show a good understanding of the story. Illustrations for the questions are completed neatly and colored.
Many thought notes are evident. Deeper wonders and predictions are evident.
Just a few thought notes are evident. Little effort is evident for this activity.
Only some thought notes are evident. There are some wonders and predictions.
Many thought notes are evident. There are some wonders and predictions.
Many thought notes are evident. Deeper wonders and predictions are evident.

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