Poem Anthology
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Spelling and Grammar
There are more than 10 spelling and grammar errors in the anthology and the has been no editing from the first rough draft of the poems.
There are 5-10 spelling and grammar errors, with little editing being done.
There are 1-5 spelling errors in spelling and grammar errors in the anthology. There is evidence that the poems were edited before being published.
There are no spelling or grammar errors. The poems are very easy to read and make sense. The poems were edited to make them error free.
Poem Structure and Style Accuracy
There are more than 8 errors in style and structure. The student has not understood the poem styles and has made no attempt to improve.
There are 5-8 errors in structure and style. The student has been careless in their writing, but seems to understand each style well enough.
There are 3-4 errors in structure and style, but overall the student clearly understands each poem style.
All of the poems are written properly according to syllable, line, rhyme, and style. Only 1-2 slight errors are found.
Anthology Completeness
The student fails to submit any rough drafts and is missing more than 2 completed poems from the anthology.
The student is missing 3-4 rough copies and is missing 1-2 completed poems in their anthology.
The student is missing 1-2 rough copies but has all completed poems published in their anthology.
Student has completed all the poem styles and has placed them in the correct order. They have resubmitted all rough drafts of each poem.
Creativity and Appearance
The anthology is very messy and their are little to no illustrations to accompany the poems.
The student has attempted to use color and design to illustrate their poems, but the anthology is not as neat as it could be, there is some difficulty reading them.
The student has put great effort into the design of the anthology, using color effectively. The poems are readable and in the correct order.
The student has put considerable effort into the anthology, using color, design, and neatness of writing to show off their great work above expectation.

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