Rebels With A Cause
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Official Letter to the government of Britain and King George III
Letter does not include have all 4 paragraphs including, specific law stated, unjust reasoning, specific event, and an introduction/conclusion paragraph.
Letter has most of the four components listed, laws, events, reasoning, intro/conclusion.
Letter has the four paragraph components but is not stated in complete detail.
Letter is well formed with four components and is stated with great detail and support from text.
Solution Sheets
Student is missing solution sheets for one or more of the following; army, navy, money, and allies.
Student has but is not finished with the four solution sheets; army, navy, money, and allies. Or may be lacking in great detail.
Student has completed all four and has supported with evidence and detail.
Student has completed with great detail and support, all four solution sheets.
Student is missing a symbol and/or uniform that represents their colony
Symbol and/or uniform is done with minimal detail or is incomplete.
Student has the supportive information for symbol and has textual support for uniform that represents the colony.
Student has designed a symbol and uniform that correctly represents their colony. Has provided textual support and is done in great detail.
Revolutionary Poster
Student is missing or lacking detail in poster. Has poor textual support or does not connect with the cause.
Student has completed poster with a minimal amount of detail or support.
Student has included support and detail but may be lacking one component to make the poster inspiring.
Student has a poster that inspires the colonists to join the revolution. Has detail, color, and is done with great care. Referenced text for support.

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