Response to Literature
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Summary is missing three or more story elements. Unclear beginning, middle and end. One or no supporting details for each idea. Identifies neither historical or cultural features.
Summary is missing two story elements. Clear beginning, middle and end. Two supporting details for each idea. Identifies either historical or cultural features.
Summary includes: main characters, setting, problem, solution. Clear beginning, middle and end. Three supporting details for each idea. Clearly identifies historical and cultural features.
Summary includes: main characters and secondary characters, settings, problem and solution with direct quotes from text. More than three details for each idea. Uses details from the text to identify historical and cultural features.
Literary Devices
Introduces topic with a weak lead. Provides a conclusion with no author's voice and one detail that supports the author's point of view. Includes one or no linking/transition words.
Introduces topic with an unclear lead. Provides a conclusion with limited author's voice and two details that support author's point of view. Includes two linking/transition words.
Introduces topic clearly with strong lead. Provides a clear conclusion using author's voice and three details that support author's point of view. Includes three linking/transition words.
Introduces topic clearly with powerful lead and supporting details from the text that grabs the reader. Provides a clear conclusion using author's voice and four or more details that support author's point of view. Includes four or more linking/transition words.
Writing Process
Includes: no plan, one draft ( not color coded and limited revising and editing), Unable to read published piece.
Includes: Plan (missing audience or genre), two drafts (color coded revising or editing), difficult to read published piece with two or three sloppy areas.
Includes: Plan (identifies audience/genre), three drafts (color coded revising/editing), Easy to read hand written published piece.
Includes: Plan (identifies audience/genre). four drafts (color coded revising/editing), easy to read handwritten and typed published piece.
Does not indent any paragraph, more than five errors in spelling, grammar and capitalization.
Indents one or two paragraphs. Three to four errors in spelling, grammar and capitalization.
Indents each paragraph, two errors in spelling, grammar and capitalization.
Indents each paragraph, one or no errors in spelling, grammar and capitalization.

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