Response to Literature (Friendly Letter)
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
At least 3 parts of the friendly letter are included. Parts of the friendly letter are not apparent.
Included 4 parts of a friendly letter: greeting, body, closing and signature. Writer does not correctly separate related ideas with paragraphs.
Included all 5 parts of a friendly letter: heading, greeting, body, closing and signature. Writer uses paragraphs to separate ideas. Each paragraph contains related ideas.
Included all 5 parts of a friendly letter: heading, greeting, body, closing and signature. Writer indents all paragraphs and includes a beginning paragraph stating intent.
Some of the requirements for the task have been met. Writer has not used concrete details from the text.
Most of the requirements for the task have been met. Writer uses 1- 2 concrete details from the text to develop their response.
All requirements of the task have been met. Writer uses at least three concrete details from the text to develop their response.
All requirements of the task have been met. Writer uses four or more concrete details from the text to develop their response.
Literary Devices
Student has few details about the character's experiences and environment. Author's voice is not clear.
Student has added at least 2 descriptive details about the character's experiences and environment. Author's voice is is used in some of the letter.
Student has added 3 descriptive details about the characters experiences and environment. Provides a strong lead and author's voice is consistent throughout the letter.
Student uses at least 4 descriptive details about the character's experiences and environment. Provides a strong lead and author's voice is consistent throughout the letter.
Mechanics: Sentence Structure
Sentences are run-on or incomplete.
Sentence structure is simple and lack correct punctuation.
Most sentences are well constructed with correct punctuation.
All sentences are well constructed and varied with correct punctuation
Spelling and Capitalization
There are more than 4 errors in spelling and or punctuation.
There are 3-4 errors in spelling and or capitalization.
There are 2 errors in spelling and or capitalization.
There is one error in spelling and or capitalization.

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