Romeo and Juliet Presentation Grading
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Adaptation keeps none of the themes from the original piece. Events, characters, and dialog appear to have nothing to do with the original piece.
Some elements from the original piece are present in the adaptation, but it is hard to see how the ideas from the original piece are related.
There are clear parallels between the adaptation and the original piece. The adaptation keeps true to the overarching theme and situations of the original piece.
The adaptation shows a remarkable ability to keep multiple themes from the original piece intact. Subtle moments from the original piece are present, and well integrated into the adaptation.
Dialog is robotic and unnatural. No clear voice is present in the written piece. It's unclear who wrote this.
Some elements of voice are emerging, but many parts of the adaptation are unoriginal.
A clear voice is present throughout. The adaptation is original and interesting.
The adaptation is completely unique. A strong voice is present throughout. The adaptation could only have been written by you.
The and presentation and adaptation are very disjointed and confusing. The dialog flows poorly and makes the piece difficult to understand. Actors in the scene are also difficult to hear/understand.
Dialog has some problems with flow, but is understandable. There are some unnecessary pauses or stops. It is sometimes hard to hear the actors.
Dialog flows smoothly and is easy to understand. Actors speak loudly and clearly.
Every aspect of the adaptation and performance flows very smoothly. The actors are always easy to hear and understand.
Group is not dressed appropriately for their presentation. Group members constantly laugh/giggle or look bored and do not seem to take the project seriously.
Group members appear to be somewhat appropriately dressed for the presentation. Group members are at least making an effort to take the project seriously.
Group members are dressed appropriately for for the presentation. Group members are committed to the presentation throughout.
Group members are very appropriately dressed and have made some costume choices for their scene. Group members are committed throughout the presentation and are able to avoid any distractions during it.
Actors read their lines straight off of their script, rarely looking up at the audience. Actors stand still nearly the entire duration of their performance. Little to no attempt is made to embody the characters.
Actors mostly read off their script, but sometimes look up and say lines to the audience. There was an attempt at blocking (movement) made.
Actors have occasionally glance at their script, but say most of their lines to the audience. Very clear blocking choices have been made.
Actors may have scripts in-hand, but are rarely needed, all lines said to the audience. Blocking is dynamic and fits the scene very well. The actors have engaged the audience.

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