Romeo and Juliet Rewrite Individual Project
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Student did not do his share of the group project
Student contributed some, but did not carry any weight with the workload
Student completed his share of the project.
The student not only completed his share of the project but helped others also.
Student worked well with the group
Student did not participate with the group project
Student helped some, but was mainly working on their own part.
Student contributed to the group portion.
Student worked well with the group, contributing to the group portion and supporting other group members.
Student took pride in his share of the project
The student didn't turn in his part of the project
The student turned in their assigned part, however the project shows no thought or effort
the student turned in their part of the project and it met the stated objectives
Student's project shows thought and effort was put into the project
Student followed all guidelines
Project does not show evidence of following instructions
student followed some of the guidelines but not all
all guidelines were followed
student's project shows effort above and beyond what was expected
Student's project was neat. (Pictures were drawn on copy paper, Pictures colored, papers were typed)
project looks like it was hastily done, not typed, more than one costume on a page, not colored
project looks like a little thought was put into it.
Project is neat and follows directions
Individual project is very well done, neat, follows all guidelines,

Teacher Comments:


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