Russian Revolution Children's Book
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Causes of the Russian Revolution
The Children's book has less than 2 causes of the Russian Revolution and/or the causes are not explained with any detail
The Children's book has at least 3 causes of the Russian Revolution but is lacking some detail of the causes
The Children's book has more than three causes of the Russian Revolution but is missing some details of the causes
The Children's book has more than 3 causes of the Russian Revolution and is well explained using details and support
Key People of the Russian Revolution
The student has not included all of the key people in the Russian Revolution/ or the people are included but there are no details about their significance to the Revolution
The Children's book contains all or most of the key people with a basic description for each
The Children's book contains all of the key people but is lacking some details of their significance to the Russian Revolution
The Children's book contains all of the key people and adequately explains the significance of each of the people to the Russian Revolution
Key Events of the Russian Revolution
The Children's book contains less than 6 key events, and/or does not explain the significance of the events to the Russian Revolution
The Children's book contains at least 6 key events, but is missing details that explain the significance of each event to the Revolution. The student shows a very basic understanding of the events
The children's book contains 6 key events in the Revolution in Russia, but is missing some details that explain the significance for each event
The children's book contains 6 events that are supported with details and the significance of each to the revolution in Russia is clearly included.
Key Terms of the Russian Revolution
The children's book is missing key terms of the Russian Revolution and the terms are used without explanation
The children's book contains all of the key terms but does not contain explanations for most of the terms, or the terms are used incorrectly
The children's book contains all of the key terms, but explanation of the terms is vague or unclear. The student shows developing knowledge of the terms and their significance
The children's book contains all of the terms, and each terms is used correctly and explained in a way that shows adequate student understanding of the terms
Creativity, originality, and completeness of the Children's book
The children's book is missing pictures, color,and creativity. The idea lacks originality, and the product is not complete
The children's book contains less than 5 pictures and color; The pictures are hastily done and do not support the text; the idea is somewhat original, but the product is complete
The children's book contains at least 5 pictures and color; the idea is original and creative. The pictures are not labeled, but are relevant to the text of the story
The student has 5 or more pictures in the book that are clearly labeled and relevant to the story; color is used in a creative and relevant way (not colored for the sake of coloring!!!) The student's idea is original and creative

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