Short Story #1
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Story is not original, displays little creativity.
Creative story but may not be original. Story is adequate and works well.
Creative story and somewhat original. Story exhibits a unique view, but the idea may have been used before.
Original, fresh story - story exhibits exceptional creativity and is unique.
Plot is underdeveloped and needs a lot of work.
Plot needs to be developed more; pace needs work, moves too quickly or too slowly for the style. Needs work.
Plot is developed; story moves at a good pace for the style and plot. Adequate plot to keep reader interested.
Plot is well developed; story moves at an appropriate pace for the style and plot; keeps reader's interest throughout
Characters are not developed well.
Some characters may be well developed but others may need work. Some improvement needed.
Characters are developed adequately for the story and plot.
Main characters are well developed and fleshed out, allowing the reader to connect to them. Supporting characters are appropriately developed as necessary to the plot.
Setting needs work. Not developed well or used well in the story.
Setting needs some work, but some development is noticeable.
Adequate use of setting in the story. Imagery used well to develop setting for the reader.
Setting is constructed and described well for the reader as necessary for the plot of the story. Exceptional use of setting throughout the story.
Five or more grammar/spelling errors. Sloppy work with numerous grammatical and language usage errors.
Less than four grammar/spelling errors. More sentence variety needed, transitions.
Less than two grammar/spelling errors. Sentence variety evident.
One or less mistakes/errors in grammar and spelling throughout the story. Strong sentence variety and structure evident.
No title
Title is present, but does not appear to be related to the topic.
Title is related to the story and topic.
Title is creative, sparks interest and is related to the topic.
The reader has trouble figuring out when and where the story took place.
The reader can figure out when and where the story took place, but the author didn't supply much detail.
Some vivid, descriptive words are used to tell the audience when and where the story took place.
Many vivid, descriptive words are used to tell when and where the story took place.
It is hard to tell who the main characters are.
The main characters are named. The reader knows very little about the characters.
The main characters are named and described. Most readers would have some idea of what the characters looked like.
The main characters are named and clearly described in text as well as pictures. Most readers could describe the characters.
It is not clear what problem the main characters face.
It is fairly easy for the reader to understand the problem the main characters face but it is not clear why it is a problem.
It is fairly easy for the reader to understand the main characters face and why it is a problem.
It is very easy for the reader to understand the problem the main characters face and why it is a problem.
No solution is attempted or it is impossible to understand.
The solution to the character's problem is a little hard to understand.
The solution to the character's problem is easy to understand, and is somewhat logical.
The solution to the character's problem is easy to understand and is logical. There are no loose ends.
Manage time wisely
*goofing off. *Talking to other students and wasting time. *Not doing any of the work in the class time or at home. *Didn't participate in group discussion.
*Goofing off beforehand but tried to fix behavior at the end due to teacher discussion. *Talking to friends but tried to fix behavior at the end. *off task
*participating in group discussion but not fully focused. *still talking when the teacher is not looking at them. *completed the project but not with their best effort.
*worked diligently. *were on task *participated in group discussion and were focused at all times. completed the project with their best effort.
completes and turns in
#did not turn or very late
#turned in little to no work #turns in a little late
#turned in all the work but did not show their best effort #work was sloppy
#completes and turns in on the due date #turns in on time and shows their best effort associated with the project.
written communication
work was sloppy and contained terrible stories
work was not as bad but still sloppy
work was not sloppy but did not show their best effort
work was not sloppy and showed their best effort
oral communication
you did not have any short stories to present or ere too scared to present
*you spoke fast when presenting to try to get it over with *you only presented a few of your stories
you spoke in the middle of fast and slow and your stories were not good
your stories were excellent and you spoke were all the audience could hear you.
Knowledge / Understanding: The student
uses strategies for developing character (dialogue, actions...) with limited effectiveness
uses strategies for developing character (dialogue, actions...) with some effectiveness
uses strategies for developing character (dialogue, actions...) with considerable effectiveness
uses strategies for developing character (dialogue, actions...) with a high degree of effectiveness
Thinking: The student demonstrates
limited originality in story concept and development
some originality in story concept and development
considerable originality in story concept and development
a high degree of originality in story concept and development
Communication: The student demonstrates
limited logic and unity in story development
some logic and unity in story development
considerable logic and unity in story development
a high degree of logic and unity in story development
limited accuracy in the use of language conventions (spelling, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation)
some accuracy in the use of language conventions (spelling, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation)
considerable accuracy in the use of language conventions (spelling, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation)
a high degree of accuracy in the use of language conventions (spelling, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation)
Application: The student demonstrates
limited use of the writing process to develop the story (brainstorming, planning, drafts showing revisions and editing)
some use of the writing process to develop the story (brainstorming, planning, drafts showing revisions and editing)
considerable use of the writing process to develop the story (brainstorming, planning, drafts showing revisions and editing)
thorough and effective use of the writing process to develop the story (brainstorming, planning, drafts showing revisions and editing)

Teacher Comments:


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