Short Story Project
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Materials are stapled and/or binded together. Written work is typed or in pen. Author and title are stated and written properly.
Materials are organized and written work is either typed or in pen. Author and title are not stated.
Materials are organized, but some written work is in pencil. Author and title are not stated.
No organization. Author and title is not stated. Written work is in pencil with several cross outs.
Outstanding effort and creativity put forth (Exceeds the expectations).
Great effort and creativity put forth.
Satisfactory effort and creativity put forth.
Little to no effort and creativity put forth. A great deal of work needed to meet the expectations.
Project meets all the criteria of the chosen task. All items on the planning checklist have been completed.
Project meets most of the criteria of the chosen task. A few items on the planning checklist have not been completed.
Project meets some of the criteria of the chosen task. Many items on the planning checklist have not been completed.
Projects meets few of the criteria of the chosen task. Most items on the planning checklist have not been completed.
Demonstrates an advanced understanding of the elements of a short story (based on the chosen task) No errors!
Demonstrates an strong understanding of the elements of a short story (based on the chosen task). 1-2 errors found
Demonstrates a good understanding of the elements of a short story (based on the chosen task). 3-4 errors found.
Demonstrates a weak understanding of the elements of a short story (based on the chosen task) 5 or more errors found.
Spelling and punctuation is entirely correct (above avg.)
Spelling and punctuation is mostly correct. (Avg.)
A few errors in spelling and punctuation. (Below avg.)
Many errors in spelling and punctuation. (Needs a great deal of work)
manage time wisely
*goofing off. *Talking to other students and wasting time. *Not doing any of the work in the class time or at home. *Didn't participate in group discussion.
*Goofing off beforehand but tried to fix behavior at the end due to teacher discussion. *Talking to friends but tried to fix behavior at the end. *Off task
*participating in group discussion but Not fully focused. *Still Talking when the teacher is Not looking at them. *Completed the project but Not with their best effort.
*Worked diligently. *Were on task *participated in group discussion and Were focused at all times. Completed the project with their best effort.
Completes and turns in
#did Not turn or very late
#turned in little to no work #turns in a little late
#turned in all the work but did Not show their best effort #work was sloppy
#Completes and turns in on the due date #turns in on time and shows their best effort associated with the project.
Written communication
work was sloppy and contained terrible stories
work was Not as bad but Still sloppy
work was Not sloppy but did Not show their best effort
work was Not sloppy and showed their best effort
oral communication
you did Not have any short stories to present or ere too scared to present
*you spoke fast when presenting to try to get it over with *you only presented a few of your stories
you spoke in the middle of fast and slow and your stories Were Not good
your stories Were excellent and you spoke Were all the audience could hear you.

Teacher Comments:


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