Story Book Project
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Less than 10 pages of text; 5 or less pictures; Cover page & dedication page are complete
Has all 10 pages complete; Less than 10 pictures; Cover page & dedication page complete
Has required number of pages & pictures; cover & dedication page are complete; struggled to meet all due dates (at times possibly distracted during class); may have lost materials
Book has at least 10 typed pages (8 of which have at least 5 sentences); 10 pictures, cover,& dedication page; used class time wisely & met due dates
Plot is disorganized. Conflict is not clearly defined & therefore does not get resolved; story lacks fluency throughout.
Some parts of plot are unclear & unnecessary to story's development; conflict is a little unclear & may not be resolved.
Plot is clear; ideas lack a little fluency. Conflict is identified & resolved.
Plot is complete & there is a clear beginning, middle, & end. Ideas are clear and flow throughout story; Clear conflict & resolution
No theme and no literary device. Story doesn't really have a clear point.
Theme is difficult to identify; student did not use a literary device; story isn't always clear
Theme may not be clear; at least 1 literary device was used; story mostly makes sense
Theme is easy to identify; student used at least 1 literary device & identified it; Story makes sense
Less than 5 pictures are in book
Pictures do not clearly support text; Less than 10 pictures
10 pictures, but more color is needed; 1-2 pictures may not support text
There are at least 10 colorful pictures that support the content.
Writing is unclear & makes it difficult to understand story. Appears that there was little to no attempt at proofreading.
Student struggled to proofread text & make necessary corrections. Several parts are unclear & contain various mistakes.
Student clearly attempted to proofread; May be a couple of unclear areas or 3-5 grammatical mistakes.
Student had text proofread & made necessary corrections. 1-2 minor errors that do not impact understanding.

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