Venn Diagram of Anne Frank
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Analysis (Use of literary aspects that include setting, main characters, tone, and author's purpose in diagram)
Student does not include any required literary aspects in the diagram.
Student uses only two required literary aspects in the diagram.
Student uses only three required literary aspects in the diagram.
Student uses all required literary aspects in the diagram.
Spelling and Grammar
Student diagram contains excessive spelling/grammatical errors.
Student diagram contains many spelling/grammatical errors.
Student diagram contains few spelling/grammatical errors.
Students' diagram contains no spelling/grammatical errors.
Symbols (Use of 10)
Student uses 1-4 symbols in the diagram.
Student uses 5-7 symbols in the diagram.
Student uses 8-9 symbols in the diagram.
Student uses 10 or more symbols in the diagram.
Use of links (5 or more)
Student does not link symbols together in the diagram.
Student uses 1-2 links in the diagram.
Student uses 3-4 links in the diagram.
Student uses 5 or more links in the diagram.
Student puts no effort into assignment, did not follow directions, and used poor organization skills.
Student put little effort into assignment, followed few directions, and used little organization skills.
Student put effort into assignment, followed most directions, and used good organization skills.
Student exceeded expectations with effort, followed all directions, and used excellent organization skills.

Teacher Comments:


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