ABC Book of Math Concepts
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Content/Able to Apply Knowledge
Student does not have a grasp of the information and cannot complete the basic assignment
Information is related to the topic but offers little support and it is difficult to follow
Information is presented in a logical sequence and focuses on the topic
Student demonstrates full knowledge of the topics and can expand on it by applying specific details
Organization and Focus
No clear beginning or end. Sequence of information is difficult to follow
Information is related to the topic but only demonstrates basic focus
Presented in a logical format, basic examples given
There is a clear sense of sequence. Information of focused, purposeful, and reflects insight
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Work has grammatical errors, run on sentences, or sentence fragments that are very visible and common
Work has grammatical errors that cause the reader to stop and reread to determine contextual meaning
Work has few grammatical errors.
Work has no grammatical errors
Student has completed the basic assignment with no creativity
Student has completed the assignment with some distinctiveness but contains creative gaps
Student has presented information in a distinctive format but is confusing and not logical
Student has excellent creativity, has added additional touches to personalize the assignment
No name on the assignment, the work is mostly illegible
Student name on the work, but work is illegible in a number of areas.
Student name with date, almost legible in all areas.
All appropriate headings were present, the work is neatly done.

Teacher Comments:


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