Complex Rational Expression Video
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
The problem was simplified correctly.
No work was shown and the answer given was incorrect. Little understanding shown.
Little work was shown and the answer was incorrect. Basic understanding shown. Correct solution is given with no work shown.
Work was shown and answer is incorrect because of calculation error. Understanding is shown.
Correct work shown. Correct solution given. Understanding is demonstrated.
The student will use voice capture technology to explain how they did the problem.
Explanation is incomplete and inaccurate.
An explanation is given but it is incomplete or inaccurate. The explanation demonstrates a basic understanding.
An explanation is given but is partially incomplete or partially inaccurate. The explanation demonstrates an average understanding.
An explanation is given that is thorough and accurate. The explanation demonstrates an above average understanding.
The student will use screen capture technology to demonstrate the solution to their problem.
No graphics used. No solution shown.
The graphics shown are messy and unorganized.
The graphics used are neat and organized but lack use of color or creativity.
The graphics used are neat, organized,colorful and creative.
The group was cooperative and respectful with each other and the other groups.
The group needed several reminders to work quietly together and not interrupt other groups creating their videos.
The group needed only a few reminders to work quietly together and be respectful to other groups creating their videos.
The group needed only one reminder to work quietly together and be respectful to others creating their videos.
The group worked quietly together and were respectful to others creating their videos with no prompts.
Each student completed a sample problem.
The group did not turn in all of the sample problems.
The group turned all of their sample problems.

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