Counting Machine Virtual Field Trip
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
The project has no flow or order to it. The sections run together and are not uniform throughout the document.
The project is jumbled and there is no clear flow. Student has not fit everything into their boundary of one page and has created a messy document.
The project is visually pleasing and fits onto one page. Separate sections are all formatted differently with different fonts and layouts, so there is no uniformity to the document.
The project is visually pleasing with neat lines and colors. The student has kept the same font flow throughout the document and has kept the project to one page. Each of the five sections are consistent in design, yet clearly divided into their own part of the document.
The information given does not apply to the topic and student has based their information on opinion rather than fact. Links are not renamed or properly sited in the document.
Some information is accurate and applies to the project. Research has been done and most links have been properly renamed and cited in their work.
Student displays accurate knowledge of their topics throughout the document. Most information is applicable to the project and all researched links are renamed and properly sited.
Student demonstrates mastery knowledge of the subject and bases their information on facts not opinion. They have researched websites applicable to the project and found accurate information that they can relate to their counting machine. Each site is properly cited in their bibliography and the link has been renamed in the document.
Not every machine was represented and the ones that were failed to have 3 links or 4 questions. The questions that were given were inapplicable to the project and answers could not be found in the links provided. 6+ spelling and grammar errors were made.
All five machines were represented but only contained 1-2 links or 1-3 questions. Questions were unclear and the student made 4-5 spelling and grammar errors.
All five machines had a section with 3-5 links and 4-6 questions. Questions were hard to understand but were applicable. The document contained 1-3 spelling or grammar errors.
All five machines were accurately covered and given 4-6 questions and 3-5 links in their section. Questions were clearly worded and provoked critical thinking. While the document contained no spelling and grammar errors.

Teacher Comments:


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