Creating and Calculating the Volume
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Construction of the figures.
The figure isn't colored and it's also not put together properly.
The figure is colored, but it isn't put together properly.
The figure is one solid color. The figure is put together properly
The figure is colored in a unique manner and put together properly.
Name and Calculation of the figure.
The figure is named, but the drawing is incorrect or not done with a ruler. The calculation of the volume is incorrect.
The figure is named properly, but it's not labeled. The calculation of the volume is incorrect.
The figure is named properly. The figure is drawn properly but it's not labeled. The calculation of the volume is correct.
The figure is named correctly. It is drawn properly on the paper. The calculation of the volume is correct.
Real world examples.
The student identified less than 2 objects. Little or no attempt was made to draw the figures.
The student identified less than 3 objects. There was an attempt to draw the representations.
The student correctly identified 3 real-world objects that represented the figure. The drawings are somewhat accurate.
The student correctly identified 3 real-world objects that represented the figure. The drawings are accurate.
Use of class time.
The student used LITTLE OR NONE of the available time to work in the class. He or she needed several reminders to stay on task.
The student used SOME of the available time to work in the class. The student needed reminders to get on task.
The student used MOST of the available time to work in the class.
The student used ALL of the available time to work in class and was able to finish the assignment on time.

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