Data Table and Graphing
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Type of Graph Chosen
Graph seriously distorts the data making interpretation almost impossible.
Graph distorts the data somewhat and interpretation of the data is somewhat difficult.
Graph is adequate and does not distort the data, but interpretation of the data is somewhat difficult.
Graph fits the data well and makes it easy to interpret.
Data Table
Data in the table is not accurate and/or cannot be read.
Data in the table is accurate and easy to read.
Data in the table is organized, accurate, and easy to read.
Data in the table is well organized, accurate, and easy to read.
Labeling of X axis
The X axis is not labeled.
The X axis has a label.
The X axis has a clear label that describes the units used for the independent variable.
The X axis has a clear, neat label that describes the units used for the independent variable (e.g., days, months, participants' names).
Labeling of Y axis
The Y axis is not labeled.
The Y axis has a label.
The Y axis has a clear label that describes the units and the dependent variable (e.g., % of dog food eaten; degree of satisfaction).
The Y axis has a clear, neat label that describes the units and the dependent variable (e.g., % of dog food eaten; degree of satisfaction).
Secondary axis
There is no Secondary axis
The Secondary axis has a label.
The Secondary axis has a clear label that describes the units and the dependent variable (e.g., % of dog food eaten; degree of satisfaction).
The Secondary axis has a clear, neat label that describes the units and the dependent variable (e.g., % of dog food eaten; degree of satisfaction).

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