General Math Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Novice o Students could not find solution to problems, or wrong solutions. o Inappropriate formula or concepts are applied and/or procedures are used o The solution does not address the mathematical components presented in the assigned task.
Apprentice o The solution is not complete indicating that parts of the problem are not understood. o The solution only address some of the components of the task.
Practitioner o The solution shows that the students has a general understanding of the formula and concepts for the solution. o The solution addresses all the components presented in the task.
Expert o The solution shows the students has a deep understanding of the concept. o the solution completely addresses all the components of the assigned task
Strategies, Reasoning, Procedure
Novice o there is no evidence showing student using strategy. o Too many procedural errors led to the failure to solving the problem
Apprentice o The strategy used is partially useful. o There is some evidence of mathematical reasoning. o Some procedures are correct, but not enough to solving the problem.
Practitioner o Student uses a strategy that leads to the solution of the problem. o Effective reasoning is evident. o All procedures are correct and correct answer is reached.
Expert o Students uses a very effective and sophisticated strategy leading directly to the solution. o Reasoning is logical and refined. o Procedures and connections are directly linked to each other.
Novice o There is no explanation how the solution is reached or it is wrong solution. o No mathematical representation methods employed. i.e.,. graphics, diagrams, tables, formula, etc.
Apprentice o There is partial and incomplete explanation. o Some mathematical presentation used o Some terminology used.
Practitioner o Clear explanation was presented. o Appropriate use of accurate mathematical representation. o There is effective use of mathematical terminology and formula.
Expert o Clear, effective explanation detailing how the problem is solved. All of the steps are included. o Mathematical representation is actively used as a means of communicating ideas related to the solution of the problem. o There is precise and appropriate use of terminology and formula.

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