Grade 2 Math Rubric: Geometry
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Identify the names of a variety of 3-D solids (sphere, cylinder, cube, pyramid, prism, cone)
Demonstrates limited ability to identify 3-D solids
Demonstrates some ability to identify 3-D solids
Demonstrates considerable ability to identify 3-D solids
Demonstrates thorough ability to identify 3-D solids
Demonstrates ability to identify the shape and number of faces and vertices on a 3-D solid
Demonstrates limited ability to identify the shape and number of faces and vertices on a 3-D solid
Demonstrates some ability to identify the shape and number of faces and vertices on a 3-D solid
Demonstrates considerable ability to identify the shape and number of faces and vertices on a 3-D solid
Demonstrates thorough ability to identify the shape and number of faces and vertices on a 3-D solid
Demonstrates ability to apply knowledge of 3-D shapes to answer questions about construction of solids
Demonstrates limited knowledge of construction of solids
Demonstrates some knowledge of construction of solids
Demonstrates considerable knowledge of construction of solids
Demonstrates thorough knowledge of construction of solids
Demonstrates ability to draw nets of a variety of 3-D solids to show what the solid would look like opened up and flattened
Demonstrates limited ability to draw the nets of a variety of 3-D solids
Demonstrates some ability to draw the nets of a variety of 3-D solids
Demonstrates considerable ability to draw the nets of a variety of 3-D solids
Demonstrates a thorough ability to draw the nets of a variety of 3-D solids

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