Magnificent Math Problem Solving Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
I did not select a strategy. My explanation was confusing and incomplete. I did not use any math vocabulary words. My work is messy and cannot be understood by the reader.
I selected an inappropriate strategy. I used 1 or 2 steps to explain how I solved this problem. I used 1 or 2 math vocabulary words. My work has one or two messy areas but can be read by the reader.
I selected an appropriate problem solving strategy. I clearly explained the steps I took to solve this problem. I included 3 math vocabulary words in my explanation. My writing is neat and legible.
I chose more than one strategy to solve my math problem. I clearly explained the steps I took to solve this problem and explained why. I used more than 4 math vocabulary words. My work is very neat and legible.
Mathematical work
I showed no work and my answer was wrong.
I showed some of the work to show I understood how to solve the problem, but made 2 or 3 computation errors.
I showed all the necessary work and arrived at the correct answer.
I showed all the necessary work, arrived at the correct answer and labeled each step. I included a check to make sure my answer was correct.
I did not select any strategy.
I selected an inappropriate strategy to solve this problem.
I selected an appropriate strategy to solve this problem.
I selected 2 or more appropriate strategies to show how a problem can be solved in more than one way.

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