Math Expo Credit Recovery Project
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Clearly and correctly show all math operations and work from beginning to the end of the problem.
No work shown, answer may be correct or incorrect.
Less than 50% of work is showing pen or pencil. Work is written sloppily and out of order. Answer may be correct or incorrect.
Most work is shown in pencil or pen, neat, and orderly. Answer is correct.
All work and graphs are shown, neatly written in pencil, and orderly. The answer is correct.
Use and define all terms in the word bank in a logical and sequential narrative essay explaining the process used in solving the problem.
Only 1 or 2 words from the word bank are mentioned, but not correctly defined.
3 or 4 words from the word bank. 1 or 2 words are correctly defined.
All words are used from the word banks and the majority of them are correctly defined.
All words are used and correctly defined.
The narrative essay will be well-developed, logical and sequential, with evidence of pre-drafting and use of the writing process.
Essay is hand written and sloppy. Lacks organization and does not explain the process of solving.
Essay is handwritten and neat. It is organized poorly, loosely touching on steps involved in the process of solving.
Essay is typed. Organization is mostly logical and sequential, although paragraph transitions may be weak. Most steps in the process are mentioned.
Essay is typed and organized well. The process is logical and complete. Transition sentences are well developed.
Little or no effort shown. Complete dependence on teacher for completion of all steps in the process of the project, both mathematical and English-related.
Poor effort. Student completed little to no work until the end of the allotted time, when they rushed to complete the project.
Consistent effort 80% of the time. Shows initiative in finding answers without relying on the teacher for all information needed.
Shows great effort and initiative in finding solutions to problems 90% of the time or more.

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