Math Journal- Comparing Equal & Congruent
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Explains the meaning of "congruency" through written or pictorial representation.
Insufficient - Math journal shows a limited understanding of congruency. Student did not clearly define congruency with words or provide pictorial representation.
Math journal shows a basic understanding of congruency. Student attempted to define congruency with words or to provide pictorial representation, but it was very unclear or inaccurate. Student may define congruency by copying the definition from the PowerPoint presented by the teacher.
Math journal shows a clear understanding of congruency. Student accurately defined congruency with words or provided accurate pictorial representation.
Math journal shows a strong understanding of congruency. Student defined congruency using their own words or provided insightful pictorial representation. Student conducted research over and above what was expected.
Explains the meaning of "equality" through writing or pictorial representation.
Insufficient - Math journal shows a limited understanding of equality. Student did not clearly define equality with words or provide pictorial representation.
Math journal shows a basic understanding of equality. Student attempted to define equality with words or to provide pictorial representation, but it was very unclear or inaccurate. Student may define equality by copying the definition from the PowerPoint presented by the teacher.
Math journal shows a clear understanding of equality. Student accurately defined equality with words or provided accurate pictorial representation.
Math journal shows a strong understanding of equality. Student defined equality using their own words or provided insightful pictorial representation. Student conducted research over and above what was expected.
Compares the concepts of "equality" and "congruency through writing or pictorial representation.
Insufficient - Math journal shows a limited or no understanding of the relationship between congruency & equality. Student did not compare congruency & equality with words or pictorial representation.
Math journal shows a basic understanding of the relationship between congruency & equality. Student attempted to compare congruency & equality, using words or pictorial representation, but the comparison was very unclear or inaccurate. Student may define equality by copying the definition from the PowerPoint presented by the teacher.
Math journal shows a clear understanding of the relationship between congruency & equality. Student accurately compared congruency & equality with words or provided accurate pictorial representation.
Math journal shows a strong understanding of the relationship between congruency & equality. Student insightfully compared similarities and differences between congruency and equality, using words or pictorial representation. Student conducted research over and above what was expected.
Insufficient - Math journal indicates a lack of original thought or was not completed.
Math journal is completed using a VERY COMMON method that is nearly identical to another student's idea.
Math journal is completed using an UNCOMMON method that few other students used. Plot and/or illustrations are unique.
Math journal is completed using an INNOVATIVE method that was completely original (no one else used the same method/idea). Plot and/or illustrations are HIGHLY developed and THOROUGHLY detailed.

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