Number Sense and Numeration
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Identifying if a number is greater than, less than or equal to another number.
Displays limited ability to identify if a number is greater, lesser or equal to another number.
Displays some ability to identify if a number is greater, lesser or equal to another number.
Is able to identify if a number is greater, lesser or equal to another number effectively with few errors.
Is able to identify if a number is greater, lesser or equal to another number with a high degree of effectiveness.
Algebra: Ability to fill in the missing number.
Displays a limited ability to determine the missing number in an addition or subtraction sentence.
Displays some ability to determine the missing number in an addition or subtraction sentence.
Is able to determine the missing number in an addition or subtraction sentence effectively with few errors.
Is able to determine the missing number in an addition or subtraction sentence with a high degree of effectiveness.
Number Patterns
Displays limited ability to continue a number pattern when counting by 3's, 4's, 5's and 25's.
Displays some ability to continue a number pattern when counting by 3's, 4's, 5's and 25's.
Is able to continue a number pattern when counting by 3's, 4's, 5's and 25's effectively with few errors.
Is able to continue a number pattern when counting by 3's, 4's, 5's and 25's with a high degree of accuracy.
Double digit addition and subtraction with regrouping.
Displays limited ability to add and subtract double digit numbers with regrouping.
Displays some ability to add and subtract double digit numbers with regrouping.
Is able to add and subtract double digit numbers with regrouping effectively with few errors.
Is able to add and subtract double digit numbers with regrouping with a high degree of effectiveness.
Problem Solving
Displays limited ability to solve a word problem.
Displays some ability to solve a word problem.
Is able to solve a word problem and show his/her thinking effectively.
Is able to solve a word problem and show his/her thinking with a high degree of effectiveness.

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