Numbers to 1,000
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
St.1 Obj.1 a. Using manipulatives, students will identify how many hundreds are represented and determine 100 less/100 more of that number
Student cannot identify how many hundreds are represented nor determine 100 less/100 more of that number
Student can identify how many hundreds are represented, but cannot determine 100 less/100 more of that number
Student can identify how many hundreds are represented, but struggle to determine 100 less/100 more of that number
Student identifies the number of hundreds correctly. Student accurately identifies 100 less and 100 more of the hundred represented
St.1 Obj.1 b. Given a picture model, students will circle the amount of hundreds, tens, and ones to match a number in standard form
Student cannot identify the amount of hundreds, tens, and ones; therefore, does not circle the correct amount to match the number
Student can identify the amount of ones, but does accurately circle the amount of hundreds & tens to match the number.
Student can identify the amount of tens & ones, but does not accurately circle the amount of hundreds to match the number.
Student accurately identifies the amount of hundreds, tens, and ones and circles them correctly-matching the number in standard form
St. 1 Obj. 1 a. Given a number in standard form, the student will translate that number in to expanded form.
Student cannot write a number given in standard form in expanded form. (6+1+3)
Student writes the number in expanded form does not write the tens correctly (600+1+3)
Student write the number in expanded form but does not write the hundreds correctly (6+10+3)
Student accurately writes a number given in standard from in expanded form. (600+10+3)

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