Patterns, Patterns Everywhere
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Use of scissors
Student may or may not be able to grasp scissors, but cannot cut along the traced lines of the shape. Jagged edges, and gouges in the shapes.
Student can grasp scissors and roughly follow the traced lines of the shape. Some deviation from the traced line will be apparent, with slightly misshapen edges.
Student holds scissors well and can follow the traced lines of the shape to produce near accurate shapes.
Student can hold scissors and follow the traced lines of the shape creating near perfect cut outs. They also attempt to help their peers complete their cutting.
Use of colors and shapes for patterns.
Only one or two colors or one shape was used for the creation of various patters.
Student has used more than two colors and both shapes to form their patterns.
Student has used more than 3 or 4 colors and both shapes to create their patterns.
Student has used all colors and shapes to create their patterns.
Number of patterns completed.
Student has completed 1 of 5 expected patterns.
Student has completed 2 of 5 expected patterns.
Student has completed 4 of 5 expected patterns.
Student has completed all 5 expected patterns and has added more patterns.
Level of complication of patterns.
Student has created a very simple pattern, such as repeating a sequence of only 2 colors. The sequence may include various colors, but only 2 shapes that repeat in the sequence. (Circle, triangle, Circle, triangle... but each is a different color)
Student has created a simple pattern using 2 colors and one shape.
Student has created patterns using both circles and triangles, as well as 3 colors that repeat in various sequences.
Student has created patterns using all the colors and shapes with repeating patterns consisting of more than one color and shape.
Students ability to detect the patterns of classmates during the show-and-tell portion.
Does not raise their hand to respond during the presentations.
Raises their hand, but cannot respond accurately or forgets what they wanted to stay.
Raises their hand and responds correctly with the identification of various patterns.
Consistently raises their hand and responds accurately, and helps peers who are struggling, to detect patterns in others work.

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