Recipe Line Plot
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Math Notebook
Student does not have math notebook with interactive notes.
Student has all parts, but are not pasted into the notebook.
Student has math notebook, but is missing parts of the interactive supplies.
Student has interactive notebook with all parts; parts are pasted into the notebook neatly.
Line Plot 1- unit of measure
Student does not select a unit of measure from the recipe cards.
Student selects unit of measure; inaccurately collects data.
Student collects accurate data; does not accurately make line plot. (Uneven intervals, data displayed incorrectly, numbers incorrectly displayed)
Student accurately collects and represents data through the line plot
Line Plot 2- ingredient
Student does not select an ingredient from the recipe cards.
Student selects ingredient; inaccurately collects data
Student collects accurate data; does not accurately make line plot. (Uneven intervals, data displayed incorrectly, numbers incorrectly displayed)
Student accurately collects and represents data through the line plot
Line Plot 3-choice
Student does not select a unit of measure/ingredient from the recipe cards
Student selects unit of measure/ingredient; inaccurately collects data
Student collects accurate data; does not accurately make line plot. (Uneven intervals, data displayed incorrectly, numbers incorrectly displayed)
Student accurately collects and represents data through the line plot
Student explains how data will help in the real world; does not connect data to a baker
Student does not provide a clear explanation; thoughts are incomplete
Student provides a clear explanation of how data will be helpful to a baker' provides minimal detail
Student provides a clear and concise explanation; student uses data and details to support their response

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