3-D Figures
Name: ________________________ Teacher: ___________________

Title: ____________________________

Knowledge and Understanding
Demonstrates little understanding of the attributes of a 3-D figure.
Demonstrates some understanding of the attributes of a 3-D figure.
Demonstrates an understanding of the attributes of a 3-D figure.
Demonstrates a full and complete understanding of the attributes of a 3-D figure.
Shows no planning in organization of the information.
Shows some planning in organization of the information.
Shows a good amount of planning in organization of the information.
Shows exceptional planning in organization of the information.
Provides no math vocabulary when presenting the information (Faces, sides, vertices).
Provides some math vocabulary when presenting the information (Faces, sides, vertices).
Provides math vocabulary when presenting the information (Faces, sides, vertices).
Provides perfect math vocabulary when presenting the information (Faces, sides, vertices).
Makes no comparasion of the 3-D figure to everyday life.
Attempts to make a comparasion of the 3-D figure to everyday life.
Makes a comparasion of the 3-D figure to everyday life.
Makes one or several difficult comparasions of the 3-D figure to everyday life.

Teacher Reflection :




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